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Alzheimer's and the Law
CBA Building
321 S. Plymouth Court
Chicago, Illinois
Thursday, October 06, 2016, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Category: Committee Meetings

Dear JTF Members and other supporters of the CBA/WBAI Joint Task Force on Women and Aging and its mission:

Welcome to Fall, the NEW YEAR for bar associations and thus, our FIRST MEETING of the SEASON!   Hopefully you are refreshed and ready to learn more about what binds us: issues affecting women as they age.  Next Thursday, October 6 at noon at our usual meeting place (CBA, 321 S. Plymouth Court) we will  host attorneys Kerry Peck (co-founder with Sharon of the JTF) and Diana Law as our presenters.  Their topic is prompted by Alzheimer's and the Law, a recently published book authored by Kerry and Rick Law to which Diana contributed. 

Please join us for an interactive discussion about Alzheimer's disease and the most current facts and figures of this disease in the United States.  Kerry and Diana will share with us some famous end of life cases and more recent estate planning and exploitation matters that have been in the press lately.  Alzheimer's and the Law, written for practitioners who are unaccustomed to dealing with a client with  Alzheimer's,  provides a framework to give attorneys (and health care practitioners as well) the knowledge to help their clients deal with the Alzheimer's/Dementia journey.  The presentation will address how attorneys-and other advocates for older adults-are or should become accustomed to working with families of clients diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

In this population of individuals afflicted with the disease, one can often find older adults being exploited, victimized and taken advantage by their children, other family members or a caregiver.  Although people are living longer and exceeding life expectancies due to a healthier lifestyle, the projections on cognitively impaired individuals continue to increase.  Kerry and Diana will discuss how they approach, and utilize the valuable tools for, advanced directives, estate planning and other available processes and instruments that secure, for the client, the right to make her/his own health care decisions.

Please RSVP  by reply email to Beth McMeen ([email protected]) at the CBA so appropriate plans can be made for a light lunch.  Any material our speakers intend to use will be emailed prior to the program date for your printing.

We look forward to seeing you on October 6 at noon.   We hope that, over this (finally) glorious summer, you were able to take advantage of the good weather to travel, meditate, read some good-or bad but exhilarating- literature, enjoy time off from work and even your 'volunteer' projects, learn a new skill or discover a new talent, visit the health club more often-or less often, take long walks with your new 'Fitbit', discover a new cause for which to advocate, spend more time with grandchildren, other family members and friends, make new friends, and so on and so forth......... "

Sharon Eiseman and Elizabeth Wells
Co-Chairs, CBA/WBAI Task Force on Women and Aging

Contact: [email protected]